I have a funny way of digesting music. My music feeds are usually determined by what my husband listens to, and fortunately enough, I love LOVE everything which he religiously downloads every morning (except for death metal or any song from Ghost). It’s his breakfast. And I’m not complaining since I imagine I’d have to […]

Don’t you love last-minute, get-up and go kinda plans? They are the absolute best. No thinking, no fuss, no digging into details – everyone just appears and have fun. That’s how my in-laws roll, or how I successfully roll with my in-laws when it comes to family events. The more we plan ahead, the more […]

I spent about a month in Berlin for work about two years ago – and everyday, be it walking from my hotel room to Ostbahnhof station to those short breaks on the green by the river or the elusive Sunday off-days spent at Mauer Park, there was always new (and jaw-dropping) street art to photograph […]

A lot of things are on one’s checklist for a first-time, eager beaver visitor to Bali. From the cliched yoga bendings and stretchings by the beach, cycling through the paddy fields, thrilling sports like whitewater rafting to sipping coconuts while basking in the sun – it’s all very eat, pray, love. I’ve pretty much ticked […]

I’m listening to songs inspired by this cafe we found in Bali called Sea Circus – it’s a happy place with happy food, and everyone there just emits good loving vibes! Sea Circus Mixtape When the sun don’t shine by Best Coast Carnival by Cardigans 400 Lux by Lorde Lover by Devandra Banhart She plays […]

Anyone who knows me well, knows about my love for entertaining – theme parties, dinner gatherings, picnics in the park, you just say the word and I’ll be the one (voluntarily) bringing stuff, cooking things, making props, lambasting ideas, games and what nots. I guess in a way, the way I was brought up influenced […]

You know how when you are sitting on your sofa, or drinking coffee and you look around the house and feel something amiss. Like why is the cat not roaming around or licking itself, like a room in need to be alive. It needs something breathing, a living thing. When I feel that, I’d skip […]

Music, music, music – that is one thing that’s not lacking in my life thanks to the husband who is a music addict, a perpetual scavenger of new sounds who spends his mornings flipping CLASH and NME and downloading music instead of an extra hour under doona covers. Which is why I think it’s apt […]

The Pinata Session! Continued as part of the Mexican fiesta-themed party. For Part One, click here. The traditional donkey paper mache, filled with candies.  We suspended it with a piece of string and took turns hitting it. It was VERY hard to break it apart! First up Ery, with a display of his pinata-hitting moves. […]

When I was about 14, the family took a trip to the States after we managed to convince our dad that we were totally sick and tired of the land down under and that we were finally old enough to enjoy the rides at Disneyland. Turned out my sister Farah was old enough but just […]